Friday, January 3, 2025
Happening Now

Annexation Bill Awaiting Haslam Signature

A bill related to a Cookeville’s push to annex the Mackie Farm area awaits the signature of Governor Bill Haslam.

The bill would allow a majority of property owners in a proposed annexation area to approve or deny the move.

Cookeville had to hold a referendum for the annexation because not every owner of the nine parcels of property asked to be annexed. The nine properties consisted of 14 registered voters.

Senator Paul Bailey introduced the Senate version of the bill.

“There were several property owners who were more than willing to allow the annexation, but some were not,” Bailey said. “It was having to actually go through a referendum for just those residents, which costs tax payers a lot of money.”

The referendum cost Cookeville $1,000 because it was an election year. During a non-election year it would have cost the city $5,000.

Last week, three people voted yes for the annexation, allowing it to move forward.

City officials said an industrial prospect has expressed interest in the 250 acre property.
