Saturday, March 22, 2025
Happening Now

Algood Police Adds New K-9 To Department, First In Years

Algood Police added the department’s first K9 unit since the tenure of Algood Police Chief Dale Armour began.

Officer Scout was donated to the Algood Police Department after another department did away with its K9 program. Armour said that both the dog’s handler, Officer Jermey Beard, and Scout have been adjusting well to their new jobs.

“They seem to be doing well,” Armour said. “Of course I can’t speak for the puppy dog, but Officer Beard has done an excellent job already. He worked three or four weeks before the dog came on board. We had to get vehicles outfitted for him.”

Armour said the K9 unit will help with narcotics searches and tracking when someone who may be lost. Armour said the department was in great need of a K9 unit, but the search for a handler was a long process.

“I was looking for the best handler,” Armour said. “It takes a special person to fool with a puppy 24-seven, days off, holidays and all that. Somebody’s got to be really be dedicated to it, and we found that with Jeremy Beard. He is excellent with the dog and this is a passion of his. It works well for him.”

Armour has been at the department since 2018. He said it was years prior to that since the department last had a K9 unit. Armour also said a certified K9 dog is also cost effective to the department.

“The good thing about a drug dog, is we can utilize money that comes out of the drug fund for the health benefits of the dog, and also for feed and certain pieces of equipment,” Armour said. “Actually once we get a certified dog its not a big expense but its a force multiplier for us.”

Armour said he wants to expand the K9 unit, but that could be years down the road.

“I would like to see it expanded,” Armour said. “I think we’d have a force multiplier that’s best for the whole city. Anytime we can get illegal narcotics off the street or locate someone who has wondered off, it’s a good day in Algood.”
