Thursday, March 6, 2025
Happening Now

Algood Planning Commission To Study Regulations On Accessory Buildings

The Algood Planning Commission approved further study into setting restrictions for accessory buildings Thursday night.

UCDD Staff Planner Tommy Lee said city officials have received complaints from residents about garages being larger than homes.

“We in Algood have location restrictions on accessory structures, but we do not have any requirements with regards to size or appearance,” Lee said.

Lee used Cookeville’s requirements as an example for the commission as a starting point moving forward. The rules state that accessory buildings of a certain size must match the material of the home, not be taller than the residence and be located no closer than five feet from a property line.

Currently, the only Algood regulation is that an accessory building cannot be larger than 35 percent of the rear yard. Building Inspector Bob Lane shared an example of a large sized accessory building off High Street during the meeting.

“I crunched him with all the laws that we have, but it is still big compared to what is around there,” Lane said. “They have campers and boats parked under it, and he is on a very small lot, but he is still within 35 percent.”

City Administrator Keith Morrison said any existing structure would be grand fathered in if new restrictions were to pass.

Cookeville’s rules also take in account for the size of the lot and accessory building. For example, properties five acres or less cannot have an accessory structure taller than the primary building. Structures 400 square feet or larger must match the material of the home. Anything smaller must abide to the property line restriction.

In other business, two planning commissioners that were appointed by the mayor have resigned. Milburn Rogers and Donald Frazier will need to be replaced. Morrison said the mayor is currently seeking recommendations to fill the seats. Morrison said Milburn is struggling with health issues. A reason was not shared for Frazier.
