Monday, March 17, 2025
Happening Now

Algood Planning Approves REI Expansion

The Algood Planning Commission approved a final site plan to expand the REI facility.

Community Planner Tommy Lee said the final site plan was approved pending adjustments to the facility’s drainage system. Lee said the issues were minor enough that they will not need to return to the commission.

“We felt comfortable, and when I say we meaning the Planning Commission felt comfortable, granting the site plan approval pending them getting their, those minor drainage issues cleaned up,” Lee said. “We didn’t feel the need for them to come back another month.”

Lee said the commission also saw a site plan for a new industrial building proposed with 7,080 square feet intended to serve as an office and storage space for a construction company. He said they were reviewing the plan for study for the first time on Thursday, so it has not been approved.

“The site plan looked fine, however there are some things that they’re going to have to do with regards to drainage, and so once they get that figured out I have confidence that this plan, this site plan will be approved,” Lee said.

Lee said he believes the company proposing the new building will be able to fix those issues before next month’s commission meeting.

“I don’t know that this is a new operation for them or just moving from an old site into a bigger building,” Lee said.

After the expansion is complete, REI’s facility would consist of 16,298 square feet of office space and 4,080 square feet of warehouse space.

“They’re making a bigger building, so hopefully they’ll be, you know, bringing on some more folks to work there,” Lee said. “But I don’t know that. Again, that’s not really what we look at.”
