Thursday, March 6, 2025
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Algood Disappointed About Soccer Facility

Algood Officials disappointed about potentially losing a proposed indoor soccer facility because of legal issues.

Algood City Administrator Keith Morrison said the legal holdups both on the city’s side and that of the Joseph Warlick Memorial Foundation. Morrison said they want to make sure the facility appropriate legally for both sides. Morrison said though the city is taking the right steps, it may have taken too long.

“Of course, we are disappointed that they are possibly not going to be here,” Morrison said. “But we understand with them looking at an available facility that was an opportunity they need to look at before they went any further so we understand that.”

Morrison said the city and the foundation were about 70 percent of the way through filtering through the legal details when the foundation started to explore the facility located in Cookeville. Morrison said the city wishes the foundation the best and if the deal between the foundation and the Cookeville-based facility falls through, the city would be open to continue working with the foundation to bring the facility to Algood.

“It depends on how their negotiations on this building they have located work out,” Morrison said. “If for some reason that fails then yeah I feel like we have a pretty good chance of it happening here.”

Morrison said he believes the foundation might view the facility in Cookeville as a more feasible option since a building is already built. Morrison said the city is taking the positives out of the opportunity.

“It has been a process but you know it gives us a future opportunity maybe to do something else as well,” Morrison said. “So it’s been worthwhile and we were excited to have the opportunity.”

Morrison said the city loves what the foundation is trying to do by helping special needs kids. Morrison said the city would be glad to have a facility here in the Upper Cumberland regardless if it is in Algood or somewhere else.
