Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

AARP Free Tax Filing Begins Tuesday At Cookeville Library

Residents needing help getting taxes filed can get free tax preparation services beginning Tuesday at the Cookeville Public Library.

Cookeville AARP Program Coordinator Jim Kammerer said the program is designed for the elderly, but anyone can participate. He said those without the resources to use a paid tax preparer can get service of equal quality and save hundreds.

“It is better to have somebody that is trained in doing this and seeing them face to face,” Kammerer said. “And we can actually see the paperwork and documents that they have and we can make sure that they are doing the right return and getting all of the deductions that they deserve.”

He said people often make mistakes when filing taxes themselves or using an online service. He said the volunteers working with AARP are experienced and can prevent long holds on tax returns.

Kammerer said the service will be available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00am-3:00pm.

“Most people have been regulars for many years,” Kammerer said. “But every year, we get new people that say, ‘I just found out about this service, and I can’t believe you offer this right here,’ so it is nice to hear that.”

He said people will need to bring all of their tax documentation with them including W-2 forms, 1099 forms, and social security forms. He said no one will be turned away as long as their return falls within the scope of volunteer-prepared returning.

“During COVID especially, the one year we couldn’t operate, they had to go to a paid preparer and they couldn’t believe how expensive it was to do that,” Kammerer said. “Once they find out, we get a lot of people.”

He said, on average, the free tax preparation program files some 600 returns in Cookeville each year. He said the service will run through April 10, but people should file as early as possible because the IRS can get backed up causing delayed returns.

Kammerer said identity theft becomes more and more likely the longer you wait to file.
