Thursday, September 19, 2024
Happening Now

Rescue Squad Volunteer Gets Presidential Award

Putnam County Rescue Squad Chief David Anderson said his organization is very proud to have an award winner volunteer.

Cookeville native Sean Ochsenbein, an occasional volunteer with the PCRS was recently awarded the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor, a distinction awarded by the office of the President.

Ochsenbein is completing his residency in emergency medicine at Wake Forest, but when he’s home, he’s volunteering with the rescue squad.

“As good a guy as you could ever find, he’s like a sponge, just keeps learning, learning, learning,” Anderson said.

Last year, while on vacation, Ochsenbein helped pull a man from a burning vehicle.

Only 12 people were awarded the Medal of Valor this year. Anderson said less than 100 have received the award in it’s 16-year history.
