Thursday, March 6, 2025
Happening Now

Cookeville Replacing Gould Drive Line

Cookeville will replace a ten-inch water line along Gould Drive.

Water and Sewer Department Director Barry Turner said the extra work will prepare the water line to handle the city’s upcoming fire station. Turner said the new line would be less deep and made of sturdier ductile iron.

“That line is just so deep and it’s cast iron,” Turner said. “So with those fire trucks running over it every day and it being that deep, we don’t want to have it break and then be doing this same project after the fire station is built and open.”

Turner said the new line would also be located closer to the road for easier access. Turner said the work is being added as part of the contract for the water line replacement project on South Jefferson Avenue.

“We’ve talked to the contractor that’s doing the work on South Jefferson and he will hold his bid prices that he gave us on that job,” Turner said.

Turner said the line is only four to five feet deep right now, but the construction plans for the fire station would make portions of the line as deep as thirteen feet underground. Turner said the replacement will add one hundred days and some $123,000 to the overall project.

Turner said the city is also moving a stretch of the water line along Universal Drive as part of the project. Turner said city employees will handle that portion of the work.

“It’s a six-inch line, so what’s under the driveway, they’re going to cut it out of the ground,” Turner said. “So we’re going to move about a hundred foot section, replace it with ductile iron.”
