Monday, October 28, 2024
Happening Now

Tech President Brainstorming Parking

Tech’s Student Government President said parking exists on campus, but students often would rather park illegally than find it.

SGA President Kelsey Hewitt said parking problems have gone on for years. Hewitt said addressing the issue is challenging as she believes it is more of a complaint than an issue.

“We do have parking lots that are kind of over by the intermural fields and over by Techs Village and those parking lots are open to anyone with a parking pass under the purple color,” Hewitt said. “The issue is that it’s somewhat inconvenient some would say to walk from those parking lots which makes it a little bit more cumbersome when you want to get to class on time and more efficiently.”

Hewitt said the university does have shuttles to help transport students across campus. Hewitt said SGA tried to address the parking situation last year with a student referendum to pay additional fees to build a parking garage.

But after that failed, they have been back to the drawing board.

“After it did not pass last year it’s been just kind of a standstill and more of a prompt to start up a new conversation if you will,” Hewitt said. “We’re still brainstorming ideas that don’t reflect the ones of that fee as it did not pass.”

Hewitt said SGA is trying to tackle the campus parking as SGA represents the student body. Hewitt said the goal is to address the parking while also making campus more accessible.

“We want to continue to portray our beautiful campus and really hone in on that community style feel that so many prospective students would comment on whenever they are done with a tour here at Tennessee Tech, so we are definitely priding ourselves in the overall internal walkability of campus less than the parking spots that we technically do have.”

Hewitt said under her presidency she would like to have more conversations with university officials about campus parking.
