Friday, October 4, 2024
Happening Now

Parent Wants Clarity On Guns In Schools

A Putnam County parent asked Director Of Schools Corby King to make the system’s position clear on Tennessee’s new law allowing teachers to carry weapons on campus.

Dr. Amanda Rosenberger told the School Board that many students and parents are afraid that a teacher could have a gun in the classroom without them knowing. She said King could, by making the system’s position clear, reduce fear, especially among students.

“They’re very, very worried that their teacher is armed and that their teacher will, ‘have a bad day’ and actually turn that weapon on the kids,” Rosenberger said. “I tried to assure them that I’m more concerned about unintentional neglect of the weapon and how important it is to have the weapon on the person and in your control at all times, especially when children are there.”

Rosenberger said she understands that few school systems are in favor of the law and none she can find has plans to implement it. She said the statement by King, or the sheriff, could make this clear locally.

“I understand there might be political implications to that, considering that it is our own representative who proposed and sponsored this law,” Rosenberger said. “But I think it’s more important for parents to know what to expect in terms of the safety of their children.”

Rosenberger also asked that the school system implement evidence-based solutions for school safety.

“And that, to me, should not be a political question at all,” Rosenberger said. “It’s all just about making sure that we have the safest environment possible in our schools, both in terms of physical safety of our children, but also emotional safety of our children, because I do think that fear and learning do not go hand to hand.”

King did not respond to Rosenberger’s request. School Board Member Kim Cravens said the law ties school boards’ hands on the issue.
