Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Happening Now

Cookeville High Video Board Almost Complete

The Cookeville High School Video Board at Eddie Watson Stadium is close to completion.

Cookeville Football Club President Crystal Roberts said the video board was put in place last week. Roberts said they hope to have the video board up and functional before the first home game of the season Friday night.

“As far as the full potential of it that’s the wonderful thing I like about this board is that we are going to learn and grow with this board through each season,” Roberts said. “What this board can do is a whole lot of things that we won’t do at the beginning of the season.”

Roberts said the school already has students and a teacher training with a specialist to learn how to operate the board.

“That’s probably our most exciting thing,” Roberts said. “It’s just going to change the whole trajectory of what the game is going to feel like. I think the crowd and the players are going to be more together.”

The video board will serve as a billboard displaying advertisements when the action is not on the gridiron. Roberts said the video board can help the stadium host various types of events.

“We are even excited about having different types of functions,” Roberts said. “Maybe concerts and maybe movies where we will have those here as well, and run it before and after that. There is a lot of potential with what this video board can do it’s going to be great for our community.”

Roberts said the board was built for the football program but after conversations with Head Coach Taylor Hennigan, they wanted to find a way to get other students involved. The Cookeville High School Media Department will run the board during the games. Roberts said the board provides a great opportunity for media students.

“Those kids are going to learn how to run this,” Roberts said. “Hopefully it will impact their grade in a positive way and who knows maybe they will go on to get a scholarship somewhere, and be able to utilize what they got right here at Cookeville High School.”
