Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Happening Now

Putnam Schools Employ Industry Distinction

A new program called the Industry 4.0 Diploma Distinction gives Putnam County students the chance to be career-ready upon graduating high school.

Putnam County Schools CTE Supervisor Jackie Vester said the distinction is an initiative from the state of Tennessee to acknowledge students who are working to become career-ready. Vester said students can opt into the program once they reach the 10th grade.

“In order to earn the distinction students have to be a part of monthly career coaching both their eleventh and twelfth-grade year,” Vester said. “They also have to earn nine credits in a combination of work-based learning and dual enrollment.”

Vester said this year’s senior class across Putnam County Schools will be the first graduating class that could utilize the distinction. Vester said students who complete the distinction will have an upper hand for employment as employers in Tennessee will be looking for it on resumes.

“When they are filling out a resume they are going to be able to say that they have that Industry 4.0 Diploma Distinction,” Vester said. “It’s just going to let an employer know, one that they have had some background in work-based learning and dual enrollment both of which we know have certain levels of rigger and certain levels of requirements such as showing up on time and learning how to work with others.”

Vester said so far there has been a lot of student interest from students across the county. Vester said the school system has done a good job of encouraging students to participate.

“Our counselors do a fantastic job at encouraging our students to earn as many distinctions and honors as they can,” Vester said. “We love to see our students recognized at graduation and having earned not only the Industry 4.0 Distinction but the other distinctions as well.”

Vester said the diploma distinction can prepare students for any type of career by teaching them various other soft skills such as time management.
