Monday, September 16, 2024
Happening Now

Business Rewarding Kids Reciting The Pledge

A Cookeville business wanted to recognize young people who understand the importance of patriotism.

Ralph’s Donut Shop rewarding kids 13 years or younger with a free donut if they can recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Business Owner John MacDonald said he started the event after he saw a business in Indiana do a similar type of event on the news.

“Anytime you get a donut you are happy,” MacDonald said. “so we have had a few kids come in and have been a little shy, and then we’ve had some kids who have come in and had absolutely no stage fright, but each and every one of them have sat down and enjoyed their donut and left with a big smile on their face.

The event will be every third Thursday until September. MacDonald said he enjoys seeing kids recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

“I think it is very important,” MacDonald. “I don’t think we give it enough thought on how important it is. I think it’s a vital part of this country.”

MacDonald said the event has been a success and has considered doing more events in the future.

“We have had a lot of kids and a lot of support from the community,” MacDonald said. “A lot of people said that it is great, so it is very possible with that feedback that we will do some more in the future.”
