Thursday, October 17, 2024
Happening Now

Livingston Aldermen Vote To Acquire Land For Municipal Airport

Livingston Aldermen voted Monday night to approve the use of eminent domain to acquire additional land surrounding the Municipal Airport.

The city is set to acquire a total of 25 acres from four land owners. The city reached an agreement with one property owner but still needed to acquire 9.58 acres. City Attorney Andre Greppin called the land necessary to the operation.

“The city’s consultants have been negotiating with these owner for almost a year at this point,” Greppin said. “To put a fine point on it, the consultants have run out of negotiating room and run out of patience. They really left us no option at this point other than to proceed with eminent domain.”

The property in question bumps up against the airport runway. Greppin said two of the property owners were willing to sell, but negotiations had stalled.

“They are willing to sell if we can get together on the right price correct?” Alderman David Langford said.

After a brief discussion the council unanimously approved to go forward with eminent domain and acquire the land at a “fair market value.”

In other business, the board approved bids on a new sewer camera and nozzles for the Water and Sewer Services Department. It also approved moving forward with the lowest bids on a demolition and rebuild on one home and a renovation on another house, totaling $163,600.
