Monday, September 16, 2024
Happening Now

UC Association of Realtors Opens New Office To Help With Training

The Upper Cumberland Association of Realtors has opened a new facility next door to its original location.

Board President Libby Capps said that the space was needed following a large amount of membership growth in the organization. She said that with this growth, came the need for more space to conduct the necessary education classes and training for realtors.

“Our memberships grown to over 630 members in the nine-county area,” Capps said. “And each of those members has to have a minimum 16 hours of continuing education each time they renew their realtor license, so we try to offer that training.”

Capps said that the association set its eyes on the space a few months ago when it became available. She said they then rented the space and began conducting several minor renovations. Capps said upon opening that the additional space has nearly doubled the room available to UCAR in order to accommodate their growing membership.

“The biggest process was getting a pass-through from the two areas,” Capps said. “Because we were two separate office spaces and the landlord came in and he opened it up and so we have a nice passthrough area, and in that passthrough area we opened a realtor store.”

Capps said that the UCAR is doing a lot to try and make membership as convenient as possible. Capps said that this convenience can mean a lot to new realtors, as the field has adopted a lot of new workers fast.

“A lot of the growth, it just falls with the housing market, and with everybody selling their houses, the housing market increases,” Capps said. “So they’re getting into the real estate business.”
