Friday, October 18, 2024
Happening Now

Pinkeye Prevention Better Than Treatment For Cattle

Overton Extension Agent says pinkeye is better prevented than treated to avoid spread among cattle.

Agent Jason Garrett said pinkeye is one of the most aggravating diseases to deal with because it is most common during the heat of summer. Garrett said separating cattle during the heat can cause heat strain and prevention methods are the best path in addressing the disease.

“Fly control is number one on eliminating this disease,” Garrett said. “Keep your cattle sprayed with some type of insecticide, as well as fly tags, rubs where they can rub up against, anything to get the flies away.”

Garret said one way the disease spreads is through scratches on the animal’s eye. He said if  you have a lot of weeds or tall plants that an animals brushes up against when they are grazing, then the plant abrades the eye, you then have an opening for transmission from a disease carrying fly.

Garrett said when preventative measures fail, you need to get an animal separated and put up so you can administer antibiotics. He said treatment depends on the degree of infection with squinty pink eye running water being the beginning of an infection, a white spot on the eye more advanced, and actual rupture of the eye being very advanced.

“In a low case, if you can barely see a white spot coming on,” Garrett said. “LA300, read the label. It will get it. In severe cases where the eyeball is completely white or ruptured, you need to give it a high-dose antibiotic such as Draxxin or Nuflor.”

Garrett said in cases where the infection is advanced you may have to administer multiple treatments to cure the infection.




