Monday, September 16, 2024
Happening Now

Spring Hay Harvest Results In the Upper Cumberland

Hay production results mainly positive so far in the Upper Cumberland

Hay producers have been cutting since May. Overton County Extension Agent Jason Garrett said cool season annuals produced overall good quality hay.

“Fescues and orchard grass may be a little bit short in certain places,” Garrett said. “Now we had a cold snap back in April. Hay took off growing in March just like it’s suppose to, was real warm. Then we got down to some temperatures in the teens and that kind of stunted a little bit.”

Garrett said he heard there was a lot of fertilizer application but producers need to know their soil composition to be effective.

Garrett said UT Extension recommends getting your soils tested before planting.

“Make sure you get everything in there that the ground needs to produce hay,” Garrett said.

Garrett said producers who put in winter annuals such as rye grass mixes and wheat did very well through the cooler temperatures.

“They did real good. A lot of tonnage came off those crops this year,” Garrett said. “You plant them in fall and they just live a life-cycle until about June when they turn into straw.”

Garrett said the earlier you can get your orchard grass and Timothy up in late May the better.

“Right now if you’ve not cut any hay or you’re in the process of cutting it, your nutrient value is going down by the day,” Garrett said.
