Friday, October 18, 2024
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Warren Working On Project List To Spend State COVID Money

Warren County creating a list to spend some $400,000 of grant funding before the June deadline approaches.

County Executive Jimmy Haley said the commission wanted to bankroll the money, but the Comptroller’s Office shared that the money will have to be spent.

“It’s not that much time and had we known a little sooner, it was just a few weeks ago we found out we had to spend the money,” Haley said. “So, we’re trying to do some shovel ready projects.”

Haley said the county is currently putting together a list of projects that fit the funding. Haley said HVAC replacements and upgrades to the county airport have been explored.

“We’re trying to figure out which category of money it should fall under and what will get the most bang for our buck with the ARP and the TDEC ARP and the Governor’s Grant money,” Haley said. “So, we’re still in the process of identifying projects and that will be mostly the county commission. I got a list that they can pick and choose.”

Each county received the Governor’s grant money as COVID relief for differed maintenance projects. Haley said a small portion has been spent on gutter repairs at the administration building and audio and recording equipment for the courthouse.

“There are some hurdles, but I think we will be able to do it,” Haley said. “Most counties like Warren that is rural have limited budgets, so this will really be a blessing.”
