Monday, March 10, 2025
Happening Now

Baxter Taco Bell Set To Break Ground Late June

Baxter’s Taco Bell location at Fast Lane will break ground late this June.

The city’s planning commission approved the final site plans on Thursday. Building Inspector Bob Lane said a time frame of opening is unknown, but construction will be quick.

“It will have dining inside as well as a drive thru window,” Lane said. “They hope to break ground toward the last part of this month. This will be a brand new building. It should be a real asset for the city of Baxter.”

Lane said the some 2,000 square foot building will seat about 55 people. Lane said this particular Taco Bell location will be a modern one with five kiosks to submit orders.

“It is an ideal building for this lot,” Lane said. “Of course, the building is a rectangle. It is longer than it is wide, and they’ve got a good size lot. There will be plenty of driveway to get around the building.”

Mayor John Martin said June 21st looks to be the likely ground breaking date depending on weather. Lane said the location will be the first vacant lot on the right past the Huddle House and Tobacco Store. Lane said the owners are handling the utility work themselves.
