Friday, May 3, 2024
Happening Now

People Chancing Driving Through Standing Water

With heavy rains possible the next 48 hours, emergency personnel say they see many people risk driving through standing water.

Putnam County Emergency Management Director Tyler Smith said a lot of folks will overestimate their car’s abilities and take the risk.

“A lot of time they think their car can just go through the water and they don’t realize how deep the water is,” Smith said. “So once they get to the deeper parts, normally the vehicle will stall out and the engine will stop, so they’re just floating downstream. It’s better to not even take that chance–if you can’t see the road, don’t cross it.”

Smith said all it takes is two feet of water to render your car useless.

When it comes to standing water in the roads, Smith said it’s better to not chance it and to follow the phrase “turn around don’t drown.” Smith said he advises people to keep up with weather updates and be familiar with areas prone to flooding.

“If you live near creeks or streams, just don’t cross those roads that are flooded,” Smith said. “Even a bridge–they can rise up over bridges too. Just don’t take that chance.”

Smith said a lot of people tend to take the risk at night, when they can’t see the road and can’t see how deep the water is.
