Monday, September 16, 2024
Happening Now

Law Enforcement Recommending Alternate Routes And Slow Driving

Staying off the roadways during icy conditions is the number recommendation law enforcement is giving.

But, if you do have to drive, Cookeville Police Lieutenant Anthony Leonard said to stay off your phone and find alternate routes to avoid hills.

“We need to be focused on the way that we are driving,” Leonard said. “Definitely drive much slower than you would normally drive and keep in mind that transitioning from roadway to another can completely change the conditions.”

Leonard said no matter what vehicle you drive, it is almost impossible to stop on ice. Leonard said if you are driving, start breaking or even completely stop before you reach a traffic light or stop sign.

“Hill, whether it is up or down, any kind can cause problems,” Leonard said. “So, I would suggest avoiding any type of hill. If you can take an alternate route to avoid that hill, that would be your best route.”

Leonard said he also cautions people that are walking outside. According to Leonard, Cookeville police have responded to multiple calls Monday morning for people slipping and falling.
