Monday, September 16, 2024
Happening Now

TTU’s Baptist Collegiate Ministry Expanding

Over 500 students will be able to gather at TTU’s Baptist Collegiate Ministry in the coming weeks.

Campus Minister Ben Maddox said the BCM is waiting on approval to occupy their second building, named the Summit. The parking has also tripled for the BCM, with 60 parking spots now available. While the pandemic has shifted worship services outside for the time being, Maddox said the two expansions will help bring in local and commuting students.

“There’s no more strategic time in their life than to have this kind of guidance from 18 to 22, because this really sets the trajectory for where they’re gonna go in life and how they live that life,” Maddox said.

Most recently, the BCM was approved for a parking lot easement at the current facility. Maddox said this is part of a long-term plan.

“Our long term plan is to have that gravel lot turned into an asphalt paved lot, and you have to have water retention, and so the way our lot is laid out there’s not enough slope on it,” Maddox said.

This easement would go through the hospital’s property, so water can drain properly. Once upgrades are finished though, Maddox said he hopes to be able to utilize his team of 9 ministries.

“Many times we can only do one or two events in our facilities, and now with this extra building we’ll be able to have more ministry things going on even at the same time and so it gives us a lot more diversity,” Maddox said.

In the past few years, Maddox said the BCM was averaging 200 to 250 students. Maddox said there are also plans to continue streaming services for students to keep a safe capacity.
