Cookeville Mayor Ricky Shelton announced at a press conference Tuesday night that a relief fund is planned to assist people affected by Tuesday morning’s tornados.
“We are in the process of establishing a fund that people can donate to,” Shelton said. “It will be called the Cookeville/Putnam County Tornado Relief Fund.”
The fund has not been established at this time, but is forthcoming. Shelton said as soon as the information is finalized, it will be released to the public.
Also today, a permanent Red Cross shelter has been set up at First Baptist Church in Cookeville. Red Cross officials said earlier today that the shelter would remain open as long as it is needed.
Clean up efforts will also begin tomorrow, as Putnam County Mayor Randy Porter announced that a staging area will open tomorrow at the Towne Plaza Shopping Center (the old Hobby Lobby shopping center) on South Jefferson Avenue at 8 A.M.
“If you would like to volunteer, bring your chain saws, bring you gloves, any of your work materials or equipment you would like to bring and meet there,” Porter said.
-Brian Armstrong