Friday, May 3, 2024
Happening Now
Select Cookeville, Crossville Businesses Offering Instacart
Select businesses in Cookeville and Crossville, including Publix at Eagle Point, will begin offering delivery service through Instacart. (File Photo)

Select Cookeville, Crossville Businesses Offering Instacart

Select businesses in Cookeville and Crossville will begin offering delivery through Instacart.

Senior Operations Manager Daniel Gould says the service will be helpful to those looking to prepare for Thanksgiving next week.

“Whether it’s closing things up for work around the holidays, family or friends coming into town, people are more and more crunched for time,” Gould says. “What Instacart does is it allows people to get time back throughout their day and throughout their week.”

Gould says Instacart offers the ability to order items up to a week in advance to avoid planning an entire trip to the store.

“We give that time back to individuals to spend time with those they love, those they care about, or whatever they choose to do,” Gould says. “Customers still want to shop from their local grocer and get the items that they love.”

Publix Media Relations Manager Brenda Reid says the company is proud to partner with Instacart to provide the service in the region.

“Having your groceries delivered to your door is a convenience we are able to offer through Instacart,” Reid says. “It just helps people save time in their day. If they’re looking for a way to get multiple things done, but they don’t have a way to go in and shop, this gives them an opportunity to get the products that they need.”

Select businesses in Cookeville and Crossville now offer grocery delivery through Instacart (Photo: Instacart)

Select businesses in Cookeville and Crossville now offer grocery delivery through Instacart (Photo: Instacart)

Reid explains the shopping is conducted by Instacart employees through the various stores who partner with the service.

“They will walk through the store, place the order, then we will run it through the register as we normally would,” Reid says. “But the actual transaction of payment is over the Instacart website.”

Although services are offered primarily in Cookeville and Crossville, delivery to Sparta is possible. Shoppers can visit the service’s website for a listing of businesses who offer delivery by entering their zip code.

Other Cookeville businesses utilizing the service includes Kroger, Petco, CVS, and Aldi. Instacart also delivers groceries from Food City in Crossville.

Gould says shopping is limited at CVS locations to food and convenience items and does not offer prescription pick-ups at this time.
