Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Happening Now

Monterey To Consider Paving Bids

Monterey’s Board of Mayor and Aldermen will consider approving bids for three paving projects when they meet tonight.

“One is Gaw Street from East Commercial into that strip mall,” Monterey Mayor Bill Wiggins said. “We’ve had a road bed in there. It’s well packed now and ready for a hard surface.”

The other two projects are the lower end of Whittaker Park and Johnson Street.

“We’ve got a problem over there. We’ve got the road leading down to the pump station just washing away,” Wiggins said. “I recommend that we bid these out in one bid but separate parcels.”

Mayor Bill Wiggins received authority to advertise the projects during last month’s month’s board of mayor and aldermen meeting.

Wiggins said funding for the Gaw Street project would come out of general revenue. The Johnson Street project would be funded with depreciation from water and sewer and the Whittaker Park project would be paid for out of the Standing Stone Health Care trust money.


