Saturday, March 22, 2025
Happening Now

4th Annual Warren Co. May Marathon

Warren Co., in partnership with UT-TSU Extension, is challenging community members to try and walk or run a marathon in 31 days.

Hilda Lytle, the county director and extension agent for family and consumer sciences in Warren County, said that the challenge’s main goal is to improve the health of the community at any active level.

“I just think it’s important for people to get moving and get active. Maybe you’re already moving–it’s not just for someone that has not done any walking before–it’s for all active levels. We just know that overall being physically active and moving helps our health overall,” said Lytle.

The event itself is not a competition to try and do an marathon or a half-marathon in one go, but to encourage residents of Warren County to get out and get active.

“It’s an honor system challenge where people can choose to either run or walk a half or a full marathon in 31 days during the month of May. So that’s–even if you choose to do a full marathon–that’s less than a mile a day.” said Lytle.

After completing the challenge, Lytle said that there are two things to look forward to at the end of the month.

“We will be having some door prizes given away to those who finish or complete the challenge, so you get a chance at door prizes, and we’re just going to make us know that hopefully Warren County is a little more healthy as a result of our 4th Annual May Marathon Challenge,” said Lytle.

The only requirement is to register on Warren Co.’s website for free by April 30th.
