Thursday, September 19, 2024
Happening Now

215 Children with food insecurity in Overton County will receive food deliveries during summer break.

Food to the Rescue will provide food to over 215 kids in Overton County during summer break this year.

Food Coordinator Megan Burr said the non-profit started offering service in Overton over spring break. She said many children in the county suffer from food insecurity and they lose school meals during school breaks.

“There are a lot of kids, I don’t necessarily want to say below the poverty line, but definitely that are food insecure,” Burr said. “I mean hundreds in Overton County.”

Burr said Food to the Rescue went to the schools and asked to send applications and flyers home with the kids who participate in the backpack food program during the school year. That information went out to all elementary students in Overton before summer break began.

Food to the Rescue ended up making their first distribution last week to over 215 kids.

“We have not gotten into the high school or middle school yet,” Burr said. “We’re trying to expand slowly. But our hope is to get applications out to middle school and high school by the fall break.”

Burr said they have an invaluable staff that makes the program run smoothly. She said Kim Mullins calls every applicant and confirms the address, number of children and food allergies.

“The program is not just for school age kids,” Burr said. “Parents can sign up kids aged 1-18 in Overton County.”

Online sign-ups are available at
