Friday, September 13, 2024
Happening Now

100 Year Time Capsule Buried In Livingston

Livingston officials got their shovels out Friday to bury a 100-year time capsule on South Church Street.

Livingston Downtown Development Commission Chairman Gene Gantt said the town felt like it was a good opportunity to do a time capsule with the ongoing project of revitalizing Church Street. Gantt said 100 years from now the town wants the citizens of Livingston to see the differences of Livingston.

“Hoping that they will see that we were making progress and that we were doing good things here in the city,” Gantt said. “That we were taking care of the streets and we were good stewards of what we have and we hope that is all still is here and survives 100 years from now.”

Gantt said pictures of buildings, families, and letters are within the capsule. Gantt said a bronze plaque will be placed on the sidewalk to mark the burial location.

“If you think about it I won’t ever see this thing open,” Gantt said. “My kids won’t see this open and probably my grandkids won’t because we are talking about a long period of time, so that will be the next generation that will see it.”

Gantt said the town got the idea just a month ago and rapidly put it together. Gantt said a lot of things can change over 100 years.

“I know if compare a picture now to a hundred years ago there has been a lot of change,” Gantt said. “I can’t imagine what it would be like in 100 years.”

Livingston officials held a ribbon cutting to celebrate the burial of the time capsule. Gantt said this is another step of Livingston doing the next great thing.
