Sunday, January 12, 2025
Happening Now

White County To Stream Commission Meetings

White County Commissioners have approved the allocation for an equipment purchase to begin live-streaming county commission meetings.

White County Director of Finance Chad Marcum said the county is purchasing a camera and mixing equipment to capture the audio from the county’s existing PA system. Marcum said the county has tossed around the idea of live-streaming the commission meeting for several years.

“This is just a way to allow the public to have better access to know what is going on if they are not able to physically be here they will still be able to watch or even go back and watch if they are not able to be here at a specific time of the meeting they can go back and watch the recording of it see the recording of it themselves.”

Marcum said the county is hopeful that more access to the meetings will help the commissioners make better decisions that reflect the will of the people. Marcum said he is hopeful that the county will begin live streaming on YouTube before the December commission meeting.

“As of right now, we are planning on having it on a YouTube channel that is just for that,” Marcum said. “We will have that information and be able to push that out to people through some notices I’m sure all the commissioners will want to share that on their social media platforms whenever we get that up and going.”

Marcum said he is the one who has taken the role of setting things together. Marcum said the county has received a lot of help from the school system in putting this together.

“We were able to take some pointers from the school system and the technology director and she was able to help us with what has worked and not worked for them as they have rolled that out over the past year or two,” Marcum said. “Hopefully we can take some pointers from them and it will work out well for us.”

Marcum said he is not sure if the county will live-stream other committee meetings as they will have to see what they can do with the different setups. Marcum said the equipment has been ordered and expects to begin setting everything up shortly after Thanksgiving.
