Thursday, February 13, 2025
Happening Now

Spencer Purchases Upgraded Modules For Water Plant

The town of Spencer approved the purchase of some $186,000 for upgraded water modules to expedite water quality improvement as its water utility changes hands.

Warren County Utility District General Manager Anthony Pelham said as asset consolidation continues, the modules could be a big first step in improving quality right away. Pelham said the filters and modules currently in use are all second or third-hand. He said he hopes the purchase creates improvement in third-quarter water quality testing in August.

“When you take your water quality samples in August, then, to me, the argument becomes to the state, EPA, TDEC, whoever else, we have done everything within our means and power to make the best effort,” Pelham said. “Then if we come up short on water quality on that third quarter, then that’s the argument you make.”

Pelham said third-quarter tests are often the most challenging due to heat. Pelham said he hopes to have the modules installed and functioning by June.

He said Spencer’s raw water source is difficult to deal with, but moving on from deteriorated, used filters creates the best chance for success. Spencer Mayor Alisa Farmer said the town needs to get the best water possible and the process has to start somewhere.

“It’s a matter of water quality and water safety for our customers,” Farmer said. “And they will remain our customers until the actual, everything is, it’s a team effort right now.”

She said the priority during the transition is to get the water to the highest level of quality possible until it can be pumped from the river. The 60 new filters will replace modules purchased from the town of Smyrna that have been regularly failing integrity tests.

“I’ve run the numbers, rough numbers on this,” Farmer said. “With what we’ve got now and what we’ve committed and trying to stay afloat to get us through the end of the year, it’s going to be tight, but we can cover it if need be.”
