Friday, January 17, 2025
Happening Now

Sparta Plans To Pave Six Miles In The New Fiscal Year

The Sparta Board of Aldermen approved a paving bid Thursday night that sets the rate per ton for the fiscal year.

City Administrator Brad Hennessee said prices came in double over last year, so he adjusted the paving plan.

“We were anticipating something along these lines, and we gave ourselves a lot of cushion when we made the maps,” Hennessee said. “So, we didn’t have maybe as a devastating effect.”

Hennessee said the city plans to pave 34 streets that amounts to about six miles of road. Hennessee said this keeps the city on pace with its eight-year paving cycle.

“It will slow our momentum some, but it doesn’t appear it will have a devastating effect on our momentum,” Hennessee said. “We will still be able to keep up.”

Hennessee said last year, the city secured a $73 a ton price. The new rates included three different prices: $131 per ton for one mix, $114 for another and $5.50 per square yard for a mix for the street department.

“We’ll adjust and get through it,” Hennessee said. “It is a bug price increase, but we will manage.”

Since 2020, 65 streets, 15.8 miles, six parking areas and walking trails have been resurfaced. Hennessee gave his thanks to the public works department during the meeting.

“They are largely responsible for the progress that we’ve made,” Hennessee said. “There is a lot that they have taken on that a lot of cities turn over to the paver and that cuts the mileage down that they are able to accomplish because they are having to do everything.”
