Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Happening Now

Putnam’s Stevens Ready For State Pageant

2024 Putnam County Fairest of the Fair Winner Emma Stevens will participate in the 2025 Tennessee Association of Fairs’ State Pageant this weekend.

Stevens said the state pageant will consist of interviews with judges, as well as an on-stage beauty competition. If she advances to the top 10, Stevens said she will answer ten random questions on stage. Stevens said she hopes to accomplish more than just winning the pageant.

“Of course, I want to be the next Tennessee Fairest of the Fair but I look forward to making lifelong friendships with all of the contestants,” Stevens said. “I also look forward to presenting my humanitarian projects for the state pageant.”

Stevens’ humanitarian projects consist of her own non-profit, Emma’s Novel Bunch, as well as working with other local non-profits such as Snug as a Bug and Leashes Leading Love. Stevens said she has prepared extensively and is looking forward to the big day.

“I’ve been preparing for months for this pageant,” Stevens said. “I’ve been blessed with a really great interviewing coach Brittney Eskew. She has been a great interview coach and she is also giving me so much advice for on stage questions. For beauty on stage I have been working with the 2023 Putnam County Fairest of the Fair Kayla Mick.”

Stevens said she enjoys participating in pageants for the socializing aspect of them because growing up she was really shy.

“Pageants for me has just been a way to really come out of my shell and meet new people,” Stevens said. “It’s also given me the opportunity to work on my platform.”

Stevens said winning the pageant would be a dream come true and also help her take her non-profit even farther. Stevens said she feels confident as the state pageant is a similar format to the Putnam County Pageant.
