The DeKalb County Jail Committee beginning work on a new master plan for the county jail project following a meeting last week with the Tennessee Corrections Institute.
Jail Committee Chairman Larry Green said TCI Consultant Bob Bass presented the fundamentals of the plan. Green said the meeting was informative and allows the county to move forward.
“Probably the next step is to finish plugging in the dates on the master plan of when we want stuff done and then site selection,” Green said. “A lot of the things that we do we already have done. A lot of the work we did last year and the last two years we can plug in a new master plan. We are just eliminating the part about the criminal justice center.”
Green said the county hopes to have a master plan completed by the next jail committee on February 25. Green said he believes the direction of the county jail is on the right track.
“I think we are moving probably in the right direction with the understanding of what the public will accept and what they won’t accept,” Green said. “We are not going to satisfy everybody. Everybody’s not gonna get what they want what we gonna do is just do the best plan for the county.”
Green said when it comes to site selection the county still has not made a decision.
“Well we have some that are available and so we are just gonna have to weigh out which is the best place to put a new jail and we will go from there,” Green said. “We will weigh it out and see what the cost is each way and try to make the best decision we can.”
Green said the county originally was looking at a 190-bed jail as that number came from a study by CTAS Manager of Field Services Jim Hart. Bass said 150 beds may be all that is needed. Green said 150 beds is an intriguing option.
“150 beds is probably quite a bit more affordable and that’s something that we will just have to work through and look at,” Green said. “Let’s see if we can do 150 beds and still satisfy TCI.”
DeKalb County Commissioners originally had a plan to move forward with a $65 million Jail and Justice center. The proposal was put to rest after DeKalb County citizens petitioned and sent the proposal to referendum where the proposal did not pass leaving the jail still uncertified and sending the county commission back to the drawing board. Green said TCI has been gracious enough to allow the county a second try under a new plan of action.
Green said TCI has not put a deadline on the plan of action and that the county feels comfortable that a new jail would be built before more issues arise. Green said not being on a strict deadline does relieve some pressure off the county commission.