Friday, September 20, 2024
Happening Now

Jackson Teen Arrested For Violent Threats

An 18-year-old Jackson County teenager arrested after he threatened a shooting at the local high school.

Santos Alberto Bobadilla arrested after Jackson County Sheriff’s Department Detective Bruce Wigtion said they determined an arrest necessary after acquiring a recording of Bobadilla’s threats. The recorded threats were aimed at specific individuals and one person stated that Bobadilla expressed an intention to purchase a firearm for use on a student at school.

“Whether they intend to carry that out or not towards a school or a student, I can speak on behalf of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, we don’t take those threats lightly,” Wigtion said. “And when we get those threats come in, there will be a thorough and (full) investigation into the allegation or threat. So my advice is don’t make them.”

Wigtion said it is important that they take action as soon as they learn about threats like these to ensure the county’s schools are safe. Wigtion said many of the details are still under investigation such as Bobadilla’s efforts to acquire a firearm and further information about the recording of the threats.

“A lot of those details are under investigation, but what I can tell you is there is a recorded statement of him making this threat,” Wigtion said.

Wigtion said anyone who hears of a threat or is the victim of a threat should contact the sheriff’s department immediately.

“Take any names, numbers, dates, times, as much information as they can from the person making that threat,” Wigtion said. “Don’t delay that threat. Call immediately.”

Bobadilla has been charged with the Threat of Mass Violence on School Property.
