Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Happening Now

Fall Adult Softball Registration Open

Registration is now open for Cookeville fall adult softball, teams can sign up to participate until Friday, August 9.

The season will have four different leagues and starts in August and features a 12 game season with single elimination postseason to follow. The four leagues include: Industrial Co-Ed, Co-Ed Open, Church Co-Ed and Men’s League. Athletic Coordinator for Cookeville Leisure Services, Tanner Killian said that the reasons for playing softball varies depending on the league.

“I would say it’s a little bit of everything,” Killian said. “I definitely think it’s a social thing. I definitely think it’s to stay in shape. Some people just love to come out here and have a good time everyday and that’s what it’s all about really at the end of the day.”

Games will be held at Cane Creek SportsPlex in Cookeville starting around 6:30 p.m. The registration fee is $400 per team, but the leagues also cater to solo players.

“We do have a free agency system on the team site we use called team sideline,” Killian said. “And then we also have a Facebook group that we tell people that they can go, all of our captains and stuff are already in there so we just tell them go and post who they are, and that they’re new to the area and what position they play, that kind of thing. And they try and get picked up that way.”

In years past, each league averages between 8-12 teams with the men’s league usually having the most participants according to Killian.

For more information or to register, call (931) 520-5224.
