Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Happening Now

Copeland Focused On Teachers As Year Begins

Van Buren Director of Schools Jared Copeland said getting back to school means letting teachers know how much he appreciates their work.

Copeland beginning his second year as director. Copeland said he has some plans to motivate his teachers and get them prepared for the school year.

“We are going to kick off with a few fun things,” Copeland said. “We’ve got some meals and some activities for our teachers that hopefully will give them a little boost as they get ready to start the year. I know they’ve got a lot on their plates and their mind is full the minute they walk in, but hopefully, we can be a help and just encourage them.”

Copeland said the goal for teachers this year is to raise the bar from last year. Copeland said without goals, one cannot go forward.

“I’m excited about this upcoming school year,” Copeland said. “We’ve got so many good things in the works. I’m excited to see them, I’m excited to see our kids. I want them to know that our teachers, our staff, our kids, and everybody how special they are to me and I just want to encourage them to do good work this year. I know they will, they always do and I want to see us do the best that we can and be the best that we can.”

“We want to continue to strive to be successful. Raise our student achievements, growth, and obviously the learning that happens in our classrooms.”

Van Buren County School’s first day of school is Thursday. Copeland said it is critical to start the school year on the right foot.

“We are all human and there will always be things to work through and bumps along the way,” Copeland said. “But the better foot you can start out on the better the school year will go and that is what we hope to see.”
