Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Happening Now

Cookeville Approves Updated E. Spring Street Sidewalk Project Contract

Cookeville City Council approved Thursday night to rescind the city’s current contract for work on the East Spring Street Sidewalk Project.

Public Works Director Greg Brown said that construction costs and delays have forced the city to split the project into phases, rendering the most recently approved contract ineffective. Council then approved a contract that applies to just Phase I of the work. Brown said that bidding for Phase I construction will be on April 19th.

Brown said that Phase II will require construction, engineering, and inspection services. Planning Director Jon Ward said that they hope Phase II will have a faster timeline because the design is complete and land has already been acquired.

In other business, city council set a date for two public hearings. Both the rezoning of the old Builders Supply Company area from Local Commercial to Central Business District and the rezoning of 1100 South Willow Avenue from General Commercial to Regional Commercial will be held at the council’s May 5th meeting.

City Council also approved the City Manager to exercise the option to redeem a 2017 General Obligations Bond. Finance Director Brenda Imel said that some $2.8 million was issued to complete Tennessee Avenue capital equipment to include a fire truck, Cedar Avenue work, and the new police headquarters.

Imel said that with an expected debt service surplus, she recommended paying some $1.2 million of the $1.4 million outstanding balance. She said that the city will save some $85,425 in future interest payments.
