Saturday, February 8, 2025
Happening Now

Chief: Sparta Drug Take Back Collects 66 Pounds

Sparta Police Chief Jeff Guth said his department’s drug take back event was a success.

Drug take back events were held across the Upper Cumberland the last Saturday in April.

In Sparta, some 66 pounds of drugs were collected.

“People just came and dropped off their unused prescriptions and their expired prescriptions and it was a good day,” Guth said.

The federal Drug Enforcement Administration sponsors the event with the help of law enforcement and local groups.

During the event, people can drop off prescription and over the counter drugs, as well as vitamins.

“We had a steady stream of people who had been cleaning out their medicine cabinets and that and trying to keep the medication and vitamins and things out of the landfill and trying to dispose of them. We had 66 pounds, I thought that was a good day,” Guth said.

If you missed the event, don’t worry. Many sheriff’s departments and police departments have a secure location and drugs can be dropped off anytime.
