Sunday, January 12, 2025
Happening Now

Algood Planning Approves Church Site Plan

The Algood Planning Commission approved a final site plan to create a new church on East Church Street.

UCDD Deputy Director Tommy Lee said the developer’s plan is to use an existing building on the property to house the church. The site plan says the current building has 2,500 square feet and the church will be converting 1,400 feet of that into an auditorium.

“They had to get a special exception from the board of zoning appeals to be able to do this,” Lee said. “This was granted to them a couple of months ago and they presented this at the October meeting for study and then brought it back. Everything looked good and so they’re going to establish a church at 114 East Church Street.”

The plan says there will be thirty-one parking spaces and a green space on what remains of the 1.84-acre lot. Lee said the property was designated for commercial use before the new plan was approved.

“They’ve got to get a building permit within twelve months of their special exception,” Lee said. “If not, the special exception goes away.”

Lee said the planning commission held a special called meeting to approve the plan because its usual meeting was canceled for Thanksgiving. Lee said the plan was approved without any further conditions or adjustments that the developer would need to address before moving forward.

“(The plan) was considered for one meeting, which is typical,” Lee said. “We typically put everything on the agenda first for study for thirty days and then come back and if it meets all the requirements than it’s approved.”

Lee said the developer had to get the special exception because it is a requirement of the city’s zoning ordinance when converting property like this.
